Dear Wigleaf,

Last week I went on vacation, and while I was gone the super for our building slid all of our appliances away from the walls and plugged up a series of holes that mice had been using. Mouse holes are smaller than implied by Tom & Jerry cartoons — maybe the size of a dime? — so I suppose there could have been dozens, a whole network, an ant farm of mice. I didn't ask and I don't know. Before that the exterminator came and laid spring traps everywhere and there was a brief period where I would reach under the couch or a table or elsewhere and accidentally pick up a sprung trap with a mouse hanging off it like a mutilated Beanie Baby. I guess that only happened once, but I found several sprung traps. This was not something I enjoyed. In fact I preferred the mice, who were fine neighbors and went basically unnoticed.

Anyways, it was 80 degrees in Rome, where I was, and it's 40 degrees and rainy in New York, where I am. Apparently New York had a warm day while I was gone but I missed it. At the end of this week, I'll turn 29.

While I was gone I read Geoff Dyer's 'Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi' and Alejandro Zambra's 'Bonsai' both of which I'd recommend. 'Bonsai' is very short.


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Read DM's story.

W i g l e a f                05-12-18                                [home]