Dear Wigleaf,

Greetings from Saskatchewan. Is it cold where you are these days? Probably not colder than here. Sometimes the weather station compares our temperature to the temperature on Mars. People love it—talking about the cold, I mean. People think it makes us tougher, but I'm not sure that's true. We just need to pretend that the pain offers some kind of gift in return. Do you know what I mean? It's not true but we need it to be. Otherwise some of us couldn't bear it. I've been keeping warm by staying inside and watching people fall in love on reality TV. Or at least they're pretending to. Is there really much of a difference? Some days I think I could fall in love with anyone if I tried hard enough.

All my love (and there's so much of it!!),


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Read LB's story.

W i g l e a f                01-22-24                                [home]