Adler, Daniel, "The Barber," Bull Magazine (May, 2022)
Akella, Shrastri, "Three Very Sad Homos," Craft (July 22, 2022)
Alexander, Christine, "The Void," Los Angeles Review (May, 2022)
Alladina, Zen, "Two Small Hands," Asian American Writers' Workshop
(December, 2022)
Alvarez, Caterina, "Short Division," Flash Boulevard (April, 2022)
Anioke, Vincent, "Nomad," Flash Frog (July, 2022)
Anson, Beck, "Freddie Mercury Visits Me in the Psych Hospital," Stone Of
Madness Press (July, 2022)
Anthes, Madeline, "The sixth-eldest dancing princess looks back at her
legacy," Gingerbread House (April, 2022)
Balagopal, Sudha, "Samyukta," FlashBack Fiction (October, 2022)
Balsano, Eleonora, "The Best Vintages Have a Distinctive Character," Janus
Literary (June, 2022)
Barker, Abbie, "The Shed," Superstition Review (Spring, 2022)
Barnes, Amy, "When Someone Wears White After Labor Day in Wichita," Complete
Sentence (January, 2022)
Barnes, Connor, "The Partisan," Apple Valley Review (Fall, 2022)
Barrett, Matt, "The Beach," Trampset (May, 2022)
bb, frankie, "this is a haiku please trust me and stop counting all the
syllables," X-R-A-Y (May, 2022)
BEE LB, "And / What / So," Gone Lawn (Winter, 2022)
Bellinger, DeMisty D., "Esteemed Patrons And Fine Folks," The Bureau
Dispatch (Volume 3, 2022)
Bethea, Caleb, "Spiral-Shaped Bruise," Maudlin House (April 2022)
Biebel, Brett, "Spam Factory," The Boiler (October, 2022)
Borromeo, J. Marcelo, "Hegu," Catapult ( December, 2022)
Boudreau, Timothy, "We're Fast And We're Friendly Or It's Free," Ruby (June,
Braxton, Diamond, "The Body as a Warzone," Rejection Letters (January, 2022)
Brown, Gordon, "Ghouls," Okay Donkey (October, 2022)
Brownlee, Melissa Llanes, "Relax Said the Nightman," Newfound (Volume No.
13, Issue 1)
Brownlow, Exodus Oktavia, "Technically, I'm a Poet Now, and/so I Think It's
My Turn to Write Something About the Moon," Hennepin Review (March, 2022)
Buitron, Victoria, "Rechristen," Acentos Review (January, 2022)
Bukai, Zeeva. "Reaching Ground," Pithead Chapel (September, 2022)
Bundy, Kim, "What She Knew," Midway Journal (October, 2022)
Burch, Aaron, "The Lake of My Youth," Hex (November, 2022)
Burns, Peter, "Snapshot," Janus Literary (September, 2022)
Burton, Avi, "Quantum Eurydice," Fantasy Magazine (October, 2022)
Calabria, Erin, "My Sister Is Part Martian," Necessary Fiction (June, 2022)
Caputo, Lorraine, "Into The Chaco," Schuylkill Valley Journal (July, 2022)
Carney, Sasha Fox, "Molly's," Barren (Fall, 2022)
Case, Doug Paul, "State College," Juked (July, 2022)
Chang, Abigail, "Girls in the Womb," Gone Lawn (Summer, 2022)
Chang, Melissa Faustine, "La Cienega," Baltimore Review (Spring, 2022)
Chang, Myna, "Hometown Johnnies," Height Chart (February, 2022)
Chansarkar, Sara Siddiqui, "How To Get Fired From A Baby Sitting Job," HAD
(September, 2022)
Chiriko, Wendy, "The First Time I Hear Jane Speak," Invisible City (Issue 4,
Clemente, Emily, "Grasshopper Boy," Jellyfish Review (July, 2022)
Cliff, Tanya, "An Octopus with a Narwhal Tusk," New Flash Fiction Review
(Issue 26, March, 2022)
Cobb, Caelyn, "Alert," X-R-A-Y (January, 2022)
Coles, Drew, "The Break," Bull Magazine (August, 2022)
Covo, Noa, "Steel Anniversary," Barrelhouse (February, 2022)
Cramer, Lori, "After The Argument," Flash Fiction Magazine (January, 2022)
Cravey, Travis, "Part Of The Business," Reckon Review (September, 2022)
Crawford, Karen, "Summer of '77," CHEAP POP (November, 2022)
Crawley, Dan, "Haboob," Atticus Review (January, 2022)
Cruz, Valeka, "Venados," Acentos Review (October, 2022)
Czyzniejewski, Michael, "Pizza Run," Monkeybicycle (September, 2022)
Darley, Judy, "Tricks to uproot a guest who has outstayed their welcome,"
Tiny Molecules (Summer, 2022)
Dash, Satya, "Rebound," HAD (September, 2022)
de Araujo, Alvaro, "Reunion Tower," The Vestal Review (December, 2022)
Dean, Tommy, "Always, Goodbye, Always" Cease, Cows (May, 2022)
Deery, Catherine, "Good as Gold," Leon (Issue 17)
Denslow, Josh, "Superposition," Okay Donkey (April, 2022)
Dev, Anuradha, "Worth It," Flash Fiction Magazine (April, 2022)
Dious, Aathma Nirmala, "Ash," Asian American Writers' Workshop (December,
Domonkos, Chiarella, "Pennies on Train Tracks," Heavy Feather Review (March,
Dragon, Nathan, "Polyptych for Vic," Joyland (March, 2022)
Drobnik, Łukasz, "Vacuoles," Split Lip (January, 2022)
Dutemple, Alyson Mosquera, "Q: Does This Pie Travel Well?" Diagram (August,
Ele, Priya, "Breadcrumbs," Pidgeonholes (December, 2022)
Eloff, Karin, "One Man's Trash," Doek! (September, 2022)
Engs, Teddy, "Dad Paddles In," Trampset (October, 2022)
Etheridge, Jamie, "Exodus," Reckon Review (August, 2022)
Ferro, Shaunacy, "A History Of Whales," The Museum Of Americana (Winter,
Fincke, Gary, "After the Locks Are Changed," Pithead Chapel (February, 2022)
Foran, Pat, "A Heart Thing," Emerge (2022)
Garland, Rosie, "However Far She Runs Away From Home," Janus Literary (June,
Gaudry, Molly, "The Rejected Jurors," The Journal Of Compressed Creative
Arts (June, 2022)
Gearhart, Belle, "Appetite," Flash Frog (June, 2022)
Gergley, Steve, "Tsunami," New World Writing (March, 2022)
Glover, Rosabelle, "Wer hat Angst vorm Schwarzen Mann? or Who's Afraid of
the Black Man?," Catapult (April, 2022)
Gottlieb, Diane, "Her Mother Used To Make Her Cry Until She Learned,"
Variant Literature (Spring, 2022)
Goveas, Anita, "Causality," Heavy Feather Review (February, 2022)
Grauke, Kevin, "Olive Gabardine," Heavy Feather Review (November, 2022)
Gregory, Dave, "A Recipe For Screaming Radicchio," Bright Flash Literary
Review (July, 2022)
Griffis, Gabrielle, "The Mudlark," Variant Literature (Winter, 2022)
Groom, Kelle, "Veils on the Sun," Monkeybicycle (April, 2022)
Guret, Banzelman, "LifeExtend," New Delta Review (May, 2022)
Hahn, Beth, "I Made a Hologram," Milk Candy (October, 2022)
Haller, Michael, "Tour Jets," Maudlin House (February, 2022)
Hamrick, Charlotte, "Night Running," Twin Pies (June, 2022)mo
Hanarejima, Soramimi, "Bequest," Cotton Xenomorph (March, 2022)
Harlow, Morgan, "Class Reunion," Smokelong Quarterly (September, 2022)
Harmening, Derek, "Here's What We'll Do on Our Drive," X-R-A-Y (October,
Hartong, Mary Liza, "Basketball," Five South (Issue 4, 2022)
Harvey, Jeff, "An Evening With," Bending Genres (December, 2022)
Hasselle, Heather, "Don't Yet Know Nothing," Nurture (June, 2022)
Helsinger, Rosalind, "Bad Taste and Bad Luck," Flash Fiction Online (May,
Hermann, Jeffrey, "The Deaths of the Great Lakes," Okay Donkey (June, 2022)
Hirsch, Aubrey, "Among The Stars," The Bureau Dispatch (Volume 2, 2022)
Holcomb, Susan, "Pulp," Schuylkill Valley Journal (June, 2022)
Holdsworth, Pauline, "Life Line," Forge Literary Magazine (March, 2022)
Hoyle, Kathy, "Shh, Bairn," Forge Literary Magazine (July, 2022)
Huiza, Aurora, "Rearview," Rejection Letters (February, 2022)
Hungerford, Wynne, "Santa Monica," SOUTH 85 (Fall/Winter, 2022)
Irish, Jenny, "Bête Féroce," Diagram (December, 2022)
Isan, Stephanie, "Chinese Mermaids," JMWW (November, 2022)
Jakubas, Kenneth, "The Eulogist," Decomp (Issue 5)
Jarmul, Bethany, "Becoming One," Gone Lawn (Winter, 2022)
Johnson, Michele Finn, "Bounty," Heavy Feather Review (May, 2022)
Joffre, Ruth, "A Girl Just Wants To Have Fun," Longleaf Review (February,
Johnson, PB, "WHIP IT," Maudlin House (February, 2022)
Julian, Jen, "The Woman We Called Vulture," HEX (December, 2022)
Jung, Jenny Yukyung, "Maps," Vol 1. Brooklyn (April, 2022)
Kalwar, Santosh, "Hard Choices," Borderless (August, 2022)
Kayani, Amina, "After Fire," Schuylkill Valley Journal (September, 2022)
Kearnes, Thomas, "Untruths," MoonPark Review (Fall, 2022)
Kemp-Gee, Meghan, "Another Visit from the Fox," Jellyfish Review (August,
Kenny, Julia, "Nails," Okay Donkey (August, 2022)
Klash, Veronica, "Traci with an i," Lost Balloon (October, 2022)
Kosack, Kent, "To Do," Baltimore Review (Spring, 2022)
Krumbach, Peter, "Exchange," Passages North (November, 2022)
Kulpa, Kathryn, "Exterminating Angel," Flash Fiction Magazine (May, 2022)
Kwon, Christine, "Guest of a Guest of a Guest," CHEAP POP (November, 2022)
Lakghomi, Babak, "The Pastry Shop," X-R-A-Y (July, 2022)
Lane, John, "Why," The Daily Drunk ( March, 2022)
Lawry, Mercedes, "The Small Librarian," Gone Lawn (Summer, 2022)
Lawton, Kanika, "Track/Stream," Longleaf Review (October, 2022)
Leagra, Janice, "Something Must be Done About Cecil," Splonk (March, 2022)
Lecocq, Felix, "Wedding Video," Milk Candy (September, 2022)
Lee, Ra'Niqua, "What Comes out in the Wash," FRIGG (Fall/Winter, 2022)
Lester, Louella, "She Would Hate All This Publicity," New Flash Fiction
Review (October, 2022)
Letunova, Karolina, "My Father Appears as a Sparrow," Nurture (June,
Li, Eliot, "The Magic Kingdom," Necessary Fiction (December, 2022)
Lippincott, Robin, "Front Porch," The Museum Of Americana (Fall, 2022)
Liu, Sienna, "What Is Going on Can Only Take the Expression of Living,"
Cotton Xenomorph (July, 2022)
Long, Nathan Alling, "Stray," Sundog Lit (Issue 21)
Loory, Ben, "Bear," Craft (February, 2022)
Lovelace, Sean, "Travel Nurse: Tennessee," The Rupture (June, 2022)
Lujàn, Patricia Garcìa, "Déjà Vu," Atticus Review (April, 2022)
Magowan, Kim, "Like My Grandmother's China," Bending Genres (December, 2022)
Mainieri, Nicholas, "Snapper," Cincinnati Review (July, 2022)
Maizes, RL, "God Joins a Writing Workshop and the Old Testament Critique
Doesn't Go Well," Electric Literature (September, 2022)
Margariti, Avra, "Hung the Sun," Fractured Lit (August, 2022)
Marques, Amy, "Breathless Confessions," Flash Boulevard (August, 2022)
Marshall, Laura S., "Offering," Okay Donkey (December, 2022)
Marshall, Laurie, "Some Of Your Favorite Things Aren't Made To Last," Twin
Pies (March, 2022)
McGookey, Kathleen, "Workshop," New World Writing (March, 2022)
McKay, Fiona, "Broken Roses," Reflex (November, 2022)
McKimm, Dafydd, Peach Child, Woman, Stone, Flash Fiction Online ( May, 2022)
McKinney, DW, "The Shack," Hex (November, 2022)
McLeod, Lindz, Upper Bout, Flash Fiction Online ( May, 2022)
McMahon, Kathryn, "Water Witches," Waxwing (Fall, 2022)
Meager, Zoë, "Doing Brewing," Splonk (September, 2022)
Mennenga, Gordon W., "Girl Made Of Sand," Reservoir Road (2022)
Meuschke, Claire, "Living Quarters," QUARTERLY WEST (Issue 107)
Millar, Ali, "Dust," Leon (Issue 13)
Montague, Vince, "1418 York Lane," MoonPark Review (Spring, 2022)
Montgomery, Sarah Fawn, "Manifest," Monkeybicycle (June, 2022)
Mullins, Katy, "Honeycomb," Rejection Letters (July, 2022)
Murayama, Shareen K., "More than an Acquired Taste," Flash Frog (May, 2022)
Murphy, Zach, "Opossum," Sinking City (Summer, 2022)
Musgrove, Will, "Scavenger Hunt," Ligeia Magazine (Spring, 2022)
Myers, Allison Grace, "Filled to the Rim," Witness (Fall/Winter, 2022)
Nataraju, Hema, "Her Mother, My Mother," 100 Word Story (May, 2022)
Negi, Kalpana, "Skin like Garlic," Triquarterly (July, 2022)
Notarnicola, Christopher, "Steel beneath Your Chin," Cincinnati Review
(January, 2022)
Nwafor, Emmanuel, "A Mouth Filled with White," Apple Valley Review (Fall,
O'Shaughnessy, Gillian, "Starfish," Jellyfish Review (December, 2022)
O'Shaughnessy, Keely, "Consider Switching the Tempo to Prestissimo," Fictive
Dream (February, 2022)
Ostrom, Melissa, "Passion," X-R-A-Y (March, 2020)
Pabelonio, Marie, "Splendor," Longleaf Review (October, 2022)
Peña , JJ, "Our Angel From The Sky," Joyland (June, 2022)
Pokrass, Meg, "Branch," Ghost Parachute (September, 2022)
Porter, Andrew, "Two Men," The Missouri Review (February, 2022)
Pourciau, Glen, "Roof," New World Writing (March, 2022)
Povanda, Jared, "Benediction," Cloves Literary (March, 2022)
Puckett, Regan, "Four Alternate Endings to a Six-Year Marriage," Catapult
(January, 2022)
Raine, Zoe, "When My Girlfriend's Head Becomes an Orange in the Middle of
the Night," Invisible City (Issue 4, 2022)
Ramspeck, Doug, "Crow Dreams," The Citron Review (June, 2022)
Ranard, Donald A., "5/25/22," New World Writing (July, 2022)
Rappaport, Jenny Rae, "The Inheritance of Dust and Leather," Lightspeed
(September, 2022)
Reichle-Aguilera, Tisha Marie, "We are Stealth." Five South (January, 2022)
Rice, Shelby, "zipporah," American Literary Review (March, 2022)
Roe, Cressida Blake, "Invasive Species," Tiny Molecules (Spring, 2022)
Rogers, Kim Steutermann, "Cleaning House," Reckon Review (June, 2022)
Romriell, Andrew, "Dessert Sushi," New Delta Review (December, 2022)
Ross, Michelle, "Fake Fruit," Cease, Cows (March, 2022)
Rousseau, Paul, "A Totally Happy Coincidence," Ellipsis Zine (February,
Rutkowski, Thaddeus, "Finding Our Way," Height Chart (February, 2022)
Ryan, Erin Kate, "Dissolution," Necessary Fiction (July, 2022)
Ryerson, Nancy, "The Puppet," Untoward (January, 2022)
Sarmada, Penny, "I Am The Spatula Of Human Suffering," Cotton Xenomorph
(January, 2022)
Scheina, Carol, The Hundred Hidden Kisses, Flash Fiction Online ( January,
Schnepp, E.B., "A Person, A Tree, A Hauntable Object," Pidgeonholes
(February, 2022)
Scodellaro, Giada, "A Triangle," The New Yorker (July, 2022)
Seifert, Kathy, "You Cant' Sleep Here," Five South (Issue 5, 2022)
Sigriddaughter, Beate, "My Brother's Bride," Eclectica (April/May, 2022)
Silver-Hajo, Kathryn, "The Sweet Softness Of Dates," Roi FainŽant (December,
Sinclair, Robin, "Vampire Girl," Schuylkill Valley Journal (February, 2022)
Singletary, R.P., "Sci-Fi," Stone Of Madness Press (October, 2022)
Skinner, Jeneé, "Livebearer," Columbia Journal (July, 2022)
Snyder, D K, "Good Choices," Cease, Cows (October, 2022)
Song, Grace Q., "No One Will Tell Lena," Longleaf Review (June, 2022)
Soong, Jen, "Sheep People," The Museum Of Americana (Summer, 2022)
Sozdinler, Sarp, "Baba," American Literary Review (February, 2022)
Sparks, Amber, "Arrivals," The Bureau Dispatch (Volume 1, 2022)
Sreenivasan, Jyotsna, "The Gift," The Journal (45.4)
Stickle, Chelsea, "Ghost Girl Ballet," Fractured Lit (June, 2022)
Stuart, Todd Clay, "Lonelihood," New Flash Fiction Review (Issue 26, March,
Sturdevant, Molly, "The Year of the Bills," Sundog Lit (Issue 21)
Surya, Eshani, "Brackish," Okay Donkey (January, 2022)
Tallent, Lukas, "Haley," Spartan (Winter, 2022)
Talusan, Meredith, "A Lesson," Catapult (September, 2022)
Taugher, Mary, "Grown Men Don't Cry," Failbetter (December, 2022)
Tee, Emily, "Imagine That," Visual Verse (Volume 10)
Teng, Emily Y., "To Walk The River Of Stars," Uncanny Magazine
(November/December 2022)
Tenor, Kristin, "Not Even Prince Charming Can Save You Now," Flash Frog
(August, 2022)
Tessler, Emma, "Coat Rack Elegy," Milk Candy (September, 2022)
Tibensky, Arlaina, "The Pelican," Smokelong Quarterly (June, 2022)
Todhunter, Jennifer, "When the Rains Fall Thickly," (mac)ro(mic) (May, 2022)
Tomarchio, Eileen Frankel, "Origin of a Face," Milk Candy (April, 2022)
Trahan, Leslie Walker, Heirloom, Cease, Cows ( March, 2022)
Trujillo, Christina, "Recipe," Gingerbread House (October, 2022)
Tsuno, Nicole, "Orca Girl," Fractured Lit (March, 2022)
Tuite, Meg, "Memories that Smell Like Mother," Invisible City (Issue 5,
Turner, Elizabeth Horner, "Simply Not a Disaster," Trampset (December, 2022)
Tyrtle, Sage, "When I Lived With The Witch," Longleaf Review (October, 2022)
Ulrich, Cathy, "Being The Murdered Artist," Peatsmoke Journal (Fall, 2022)
Vasquez, Jules, "Of The Minor Saints Of An Imaginary Las Vegas," The
Dillydoun Review (September, 2022)
Vincenz, Marc, "Little Oeuvre, Little Token, Little Tree," The Museum Of
Americana (Summer, 2022)
Vojta, Agnes, "Swans And Pelicans," Flash Boulevard (July, 2022)
Wallin-Sato, Tony, "The Funeral," Asian American Writers' Workshop
(December, 2022)
Wang, Monica, "Quantum Physics In The Garden," Reservoir Road (2022)
Williams, Erica L., "Promposal," Flash Fiction Magazine (June, 2022)
Willis, Nathan, "Quiet Like Water," Split Lip (October, 2022)
Witte, Francine, "Not-Myrtle," Moria (May, 2022)
Woodward, Angela, "Voorhees," The Rupture (August, 2022)
Xiang, Senna, "Irr-" Lumiere Review (March, 2022)
Xie, Catherine, "Rabbit Candy God," Lumiere Review (March, 2022)
Yourdon, David, "Evaporation of a Feeling," Rejection Letters (November,
Yu, April, "To Saturn and Back," Milk Candy (December, 2022)
Yucel, Ecem, "Desiderium," The Daily Drunk (October, 2022)
Zambrano, Tara Isabel, "Accuracy," The Waking (March, 2022)
Zambreno, Kate, "Replacement Grandparent," The New Yorker (August, 2022)
Zhang, Lucy, "It has been two years since we've been to China because
nonessential travel isn't allowed, and we're still not going back for Lunar
New Year," American Literary Review, (2022)