Dear Wigleaf,

A few notes from my last year+, traveling across post-covid America.

Best bookstore/cafes: Saugerties NY and Annapolis MD.

Good brew pubs, and then the ocean: Fort Bragg CA.

Columbia MO is a surprisingly cool little college town.

I believe the revolution is brewing in Arizona's Copper Corridor. Signs include murals on abandoned churches, an Interzone boarding house & ice cream parlor in hellish heat, old folks cooking up ayahuasca above the laundromat, disputes about pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in the biker bar.

I keep on writing fiction while traveling. All I really want is a little desk at an upstairs window. Finished a nifty little treatise on alchemical symbols and still working on a sacred/ridiculous novel set in 1980s Jerusalem.

Everything costs too much. There is homelessness in almost every town. People are mostly okay, wherever you go.



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Read JC's story.

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