Dear Wigleaf,

Do you or anyone you know have an extra HDMI cord? My last computer had a different kind of port to connect to the TV. The man I was seeing back then told me what kind of cord to get. I don't remember what it was called and he doesn't remember telling me. Now I have a new laptop and a new boyfriend who said he might have an extra HDMI cord, but it turns out he doesn't. That's okay. We can watch movies at his apartment. But just now he's busy and I'm trying to watch Inglorious Basterds again, and I lost my glasses and I took out my contacts so I need to put the laptop really close to my face, and once a doctor told me light from a screen soaks into your brain, maybe that's why I've been having trouble sleeping. I'd like to watch Inglorious Basterds on the big screen so the shapes are big enough to see but far enough away they can't soak into my brain. The other guy I sometimes watch movies with said he might have an extra HDMI cord, but I keep forgetting to ask and now he's picked me up from the airport so many times I feel like a burden. So if you or anyone you know have an extra HDMI cord, please get in touch. Now that I've adjusted to the idea of not buying one, I'd really like to not buy one.


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Read CA's story.

W i g l e a f                04-03-23                                [home]