Dear Wigleaf,
I'm looking at the postcard Jack sent from Vegas. I don't know him or the
recipient; I got this at a secondhand shop. I know he is the kind of man who
goes to Vegas and only writes that his hotel is nice, and he needs to lose
weight before his back surgery in the spring. I could speculate that Jack is
just censoring himself, creating the most unremarkable persona to hide his
debauchery. Maybe the back surgery is a lie. Or this could be code.
Ultimately, I'm most fascinated by the easiest answer: Jack is dreadfully
boring. This is where I'm drawn in by a dullness I sometimes envy. My
overabundance of curiosity regularly leads me to learn about murderers,
scammers, impostors, and smugglers. I've stayed in conversations and
not-so-nice hotel rooms with sketchy people longer than recommended because
I want to know what's out there. I don't envy that. But I see why someone
craves lust and power, and I can't imagine writing, much less sending, a
postcard like Jack's.
Me? I would invent a persona. I would write in code. In the right
circumstances, I would probably lie about back surgery. But this postcard?
That's not a place I'd go.
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Read ELM's story.
W i g l e a f