Dear Wigleaf,

The only time in my entire life I've ever slapped anyone smack across the face was in third grade. We were lining up behind the teacher to walk back to class after lunch, when this boy behind me started tapping my shoulder. I don't remember much else about why he was doing that, or if he was saying anything, but I remember being so annoyed with that incessant tapping that I swerved back and planted a stiff one on his left cheek. We were both equally shocked.

Suddenly I went from the girl who brings idlis in her lunchbox to being the coolest kid in class. Everyone wanted to sit with me at lunchtime, but I remember looking over my shoulder at the boy I had slapped, hoping he would see the apology in my eyes.

I didn't see him after that year. Maybe he was moved to a different class or maybe he changed schools or cities, who knows?

The reason I'm telling you this is because he recently added me on Facebook. Should I accept his friend request? Should I decline? Or should I just delete my Facebook account—burn the whole thing down?

What should I do? I know you'll know.


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Read HN's story.

W i g l e a f                03-23-21                                [home]