The Hair Nest
Richard Mirabella

I cut all the hair off my body. What a mess. I gathered it up and brought it outside to the garden, unwrapped it, fashioned a small nest, and put it in the dirt among the columbines. The next day, a bird had taken it over, which is what I'd hoped would happen. Every day, I checked on the bird and waited for it to lay eggs. When it finally did lay one, I stole the egg from the protesting bird, cooked it in a skillet, and ate it. I felt so terrible after doing this, I hurried outside and found the bird, who was angry with me, and stuffed her into my mouth, too. I had destroyed my witness, but still felt ashamed. It faded. It always fades. How I want to trick and eat the world, to be fed and alive, and be a horrible monster, and kill and cook and eat, and be loved.


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