to heap Tyler Barton
Zhang has been reassigned again, and this time they're saying his
objective is to raise the height of a random mountain by five meters.
Zhang does a lot of due diligence research, but no. It can't be done.
Building a five-meter flag pole doesn't count. The mountain's height can
only exist of natural material. They have already tried rocks, but the
wind rolls them down. So, Zhang invites all eleven friends who make up the
longest running group chat in his phone, and ten of them actually show up
at the foot of the mountain. They climb. It is not easy, and they lose two
friends in the process. Still, at the peak, Zhang and his friends lie atop
each other in a stack and raise the height of this random mountain by,
yes, five meters. They hold it and hold it until the company doing the
measuring finishes their measuring. The thing is, it works. But the other
thing is, Zhang and his friends were all naked atop the mountain. "And
it's this," his boss says pointing at an ass in the photograph. "Little
maverick decisions like this..." And Zhang is again reassigned. >>>NEXT >>>