David Drury
In the beginning, an aroma of baking bread came up the stairs. This
woke the children who, with mouths watering, ran down to the kitchen on bare
feet, where the farmer and his wife were sitting by the stove.
While waiting for the bread to finish, the farmer had discovered a blackhead
on the tip of his ring finger just under the fingernail. As the children
came into the kitchen, the farmer's wife was gently pressing it with
tweezers, such that a red thread encircled it and then the blackhead burst
forth. The woman held and even squeezed the man's finger as something
ribboned out of it and kept coming, out and out, until the issuance made for
a dark and overgrown forest which spread from the kitchen to the den to the
boot porch—out into the fields and over the mountains, scraping the sky the
whole way.
The farmer's wife exhaled a great laughter and the farmer cried tears of
relief and the love between them filled the room, amplifying the smell of
baking bread.
But the children could not wait for the bread and instead ran past their
boots into the new woods, ran beyond the light of the farmhouse and deep
into the forest, until they each lost their way in the thick of the night,
blind and whining like crestfallen wolves.
And Yorgus begat Mud-Yorgus, and Mud-Yorgus begat Rock-Yorgus, and
Rock-Yorgus begat Meat-Yorgus, and Meat-Yorgus laid down with the wife of
Spear-Yorgus, and Spear-Yorgus, begat murder, begat tribalism, begat wars,
begat rumors of wars—all in darkness. Begat Egypt and Mongolia and Rome and
the British Empire. Begat leg irons, begat industry, begat poverty, begat
religion. Begat class warfare, begat football, begat light beer, begat
absence, begat shoulder bruises. Begat high fashion, begat art, begat the
blues, begat the smell of baking bread, begat stories passed from one person
to the next, begat tales of a farmhouse, and porchlight, and starlight, and
moonlight, and the greatest longshot of them all daylight, and a sun fabled
to one day rise and crust and be broken open with bare hands and served with
butter and jam to any open hand in wet pajama sleeves.
David Drury has stories in or coming from NPR, ZYZZYVA, Pidgeonholes, The Best
American Non-Required Reading and others.
Detail of woodcut print on main page from Lynd Ward's GOD'S MAN (1929).
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