Dear Wigleaf,

Last month my family took a cruise. Onboard, I gobbled as much shrimp as I could and guzzled the Drinks of the Day. Good times, I guess, but now I can't stop swaying, even though we've been home for weeks. I chop carrots, pressed against the counter for balance. I lean when I brush my teeth. In class, I try deep breaths to slow the spinning, but students' faces bob before me like buoys. The words on this postcard quiver and dash, ghost crabs scurrying across sand.

I'm stuck, I think, somewhere out there on the water, subject to waves no one else can perceive. The rest of my family is fine, and for that I'm grateful. I'm not a bad person, I swear. I just worry my brain may be broken forever, unable to tell land from sea. Did you know such a strange thing could happen? Does anyone know what I mean?


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Read MM's story.

W i g l e a f                03-09-20                                [home]