Dear Wigleaf,

Here's what happened. He had arrived just as we were coming out of the building where she lived. He yelled at her from his car and she knew who it was without looking and said to me, Ignore him. I had never met him before. But one day she had told me, He hates Mexicans. The first thing he had yelled was, Where are you going with him? And then I heard, Damn you! And he repeated this over and over. I felt pity and shame for him. And fear for me. I started my engine and we left him standing there. I wondered if maybe fear had suddenly taken him over. A sort of fear of the "Mexican." It's all sad, I know. But that's what happened.

Anyway, take care.

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Read MG's story.

W i g l e a f                09-28-19                                [home]