Dear Wigleaf,

I saw this postcard in the Starkville Walmart and thought you'd get a kick out of it. And no, the state bird of Mississippi isn't really the mosquito! This one looks like a vulture mixed with a hummingbird, which is not really how mosquitos look. Soon—it happens earlier every year—the mosquito trucks will start chugging through the town. They come at dusk, when the yellow streetlights have just switched on, and for a few minutes my street will be filled with a glowing smog. Maybe I'll go outside and pretend I'm in nineteenth century London, and I'll walk until I find a pub or a werewolf, or a vampire with teeth sharp as hummingbird beaks.

Instead of mailing this, I wish I could climb the tree outside your window and tape it there. I like to imagine how surprised you'd be, looking out and seeing a giant mosquito hovering against the glass, like it wants to find its way inside and take a great big bite out of you.



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Read her story.

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