Isabella Cruz
My boyfriend's name is Gotlieb. This is not a joke, as
I've had to reassure my parents. When he comes over to my place, he drives
with his Pomeranian so high in his lap it looks like Georgie himself is
driving his Buick.
I like Gotlieb because he's a good guy who brought all his obscene
proclivities out and spread them before me on the metaphorical table before
we started doing this thing for real.
My ex-boyfriend's name was Arthur. He went to this dive bar every Tuesday
with his coworkers and came home reeking of cigarettes. When I asked him if
he smoked he said no.
His car smelled like cigarettes always, not just Tuesday nights. That kind
of shit can drive you insane.
Gotlieb is a chain smoker. That I know for a fact.
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