Dear Wigleaf,

I noticed today that one leg is longer than the other. That's a lie. It's more like I am unevenly distributed. One knee is placed higher than the other. One calf is slightly bigger. One shoulder is lower. One boob is larger. My right ear is smaller and set farther back than my left ear. One eyebrow is shorter and thicker. My left eye is basically sitting on my temple. My belly button is not centrally placed. Don't even get me started on my elbows.

The walls of my apartment are crooked, making measurements for an aspired-to new couch difficult.

I think you should know that I've grown three inches since high school and all of it is in my left forearm making pancake flipping a difficult balance.

Stay cool,

- - -

Read MH's story, "It Is True that Me and Theodore Swallowed Pop Rocks and Pepsi Cola and Now We Are Dead."

w i g · l e a F               08-16-09                                [home]