
This year I was faced with the unprecedented task of asking the Wigleaf Team to edit their nominations because our Longlist was too long. We couldn't, in good conscience, send Mary 220 plus stories, could we? Or could we? No, no, we could not. I want to acknowledge those 20 stories in our celebration of this year's amazing Top 50 and Longlist. Flash has never been more vital to literary production and discourse, and for that I'm in awe of the writers and editors who make and produce these much-loved, much-debated-over little beasts. Thank you to our Selecting Editor, Mary Miller, and to Scott Garson, Shome Dasgupta, Michelle Dove, Casey Hannan, Lauren Pike, Savannah Slone, Monet P. Thomas, Kara Vernor, Anne Weisgerber, and Sennah Yee. It's been an honor to be a part of this community, and congratulations to Shome Dasgupta, who is stepping in as Wigleaf's new Series Editor. Thank you Wigleaf!

Marcelle Heath's recent work has appeared in Joyland, matchbook, Nat. Brut, NOÖ, and Split Lip Magazine. She curates Apparel for Authors, an interview series on writers, fashion, and the public sphere. Twitter: @marcellepdx

Details of collage on main page courtesy of Mariana Fossatti.

To link to this directly: http://wigleaf.com/19top50foreword.htm

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