![]() Adams, Rachel, "Chiroptera," CORIUM MAGAZINE (December 2010) Andrews, Nin, "The Country Where I'm From," LA PETITE ZINE (Issue 25) Axelrod, Kate, "Alice," STORYGLOSSIA (Issue 40, October 2010) Babcock, Julie, "The Gambler," WACCAMAW (No. 6) Ball, Jesse, "The Mercy of Kings," THE NASHVILLE REVIEW (Fall, 2010) Barrett, Lynne, "The Borges Cure," NIGHT TRAIN (3/22/10) Bassett, Colin, "What Will Happen," SUPER ARROW (Issue Two) Becker, Lauren, "Independent Living," THE PEDESTAL (Issue 56) Bedinger, Joan, "Health Class, Seventh Grade," SIX LITTLE THINGS (Summer, 2010) Bell, Matt, "Quella, Querida, Quintessa," GUERNICA (March, 2010) Blossom, Laurel, "Moscow," FRIGG (Summer, 2010) Bolin, Alice, "The Wide Road, The Torn-Torn Lip," ABJECTIVE (7/25/2010) Boone, Z.Z., "Canaries," LIT 'N IMAGE (Summer, 2010) Bosse, Eric, "The Spoils," THE COLLAGIST (Issue Fifteen October 2010) Brown, Randall, "Out," DECOMP MAGAZINE (October 2010) Carr, Brian Allen, "Falcon Jackson," PANK MAGAZINE (March 2010) Carr, Brian Allen, "Running the Drain," NOÖ JOURNAL (#12) Carter, Laura, "And Finally It Has Come to This. And Finally It Has Come to these Things," EVERYDAY GENIUS (4/1/10) Chen, Jimmy, "Sound of Chords," FAILBETTER (Nov 9, 2010) Chinquee, Kim, "Look at You," KNEE JERK (December, 2010) Conde, Jason, "Blender," FLATMANCROOKED (June 23rd, 2010) Cooper, Joanna Penn, "Andy," OPIUM (1/19/10) Cooper, Thomas, "Night on the Sun," NIGHT TRAIN (11/8/10) Copeland, Lydia, "Clementines," FOUNDLING REVIEW (Mar 2010 Special Issue) Copeland, Lydia, "Exoskeleton," ELIMAE (2010: February) Corin, Lucy, "Journalist," DEVIL'S LAKE (Spring, 2010) Crutchfield, Christy, "The Future of Family Radio," NECESSARY FICTION (05/19/2010) Davis, Craig, "Chorale for the First Rental House on Your Block," HOBART (March '10) DeBonis, Alex, "The Dads," WORD RIOT (June 2010) Dewald, Jaydn, "Round Midnight," QUICK FICTION (July, 2010) Dixon, Stephen, "Wife in Reverse," MATCHBOOK (January 2010) Dunlap, Murray, "In the Attic," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Twenty-Eight) Durham, Gabe, "All You First Timers with Deadbeat Dads," AMERICAN SHORT FICTION (August, 2010) Eaton, Margaret, "Hounding Me," RUMBLE (June, 2010) Ellen, Elizabeth, "Yesterdays Are All Around Us," ELIMAE (2010: March) Enos, Cristen, "Candlepin," NEW ORLEANS REVIEW (v. 34.1) England, Trent, "Alaskan Shoreline," WHITE WHALE REVIEW (Issue 2.3) Fallon, M.T., "Menchov Gets the Key to the City," EVERYDAY GENIUS (2/9/10) Faulkner, Grant, "Heat," WORD RIOT (November 2010) Fincke, Gary, "Yams," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Thirty) Fish, Kathy, "Disassembly," GUERNICA (December, 2010) Fitzgerald, Erin, "At Grayfield Keep," EVERYDAY GENIUS (3/26/10) Fitzgerald, Erin, "This Morning Will Be Different," ANNALEMMA MAGAZINE (undated) Fried, Seth, "The Bastrom," JMWW (Spring 2010) Frey, Emily Kendall, "Nine Prose Poems," SPORK (12/27/10) Gay, Roxane, "Girls at the Bar," NORTHVILLE REVIEW (March, 2010) Gay, Roxane, "Little Babies," DIAGRAM (9.6) Gray, Amelia, "The Death of Mother," FIFTY-TWO STORIES (44) Green, Brad, "Missing the Next Inch," ANNALEMMA (undated) Greenman, Ben, "Sketch Artist, Amusement Park, 1988," OPIUM (2/1/10) Hale, Kathleen, "The Corn," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Thirty) Hamilton, Mary, "Diet and Exercise," MONKEYBICYCLE (undated) Hamilton, Mary, "Pocket Rocket," BLIP (weekly: undated) Heath, Marcelle, "Aunt Ginny's Lunar Bash, Los Alamos, 1974," MATCHBOOK (February 2010) Hemmings, Kyle, "Nine Reasons Not to Kill Yourself East of St. Marks," NOÖ JOURNAL (weekly: Sept. 20) Hershman, Tania, "Vegetable, Mineral," PANK MAGAZINE (September 2010) Hirsch, Aubrey, "Why We Never Talk About Sugar," VESTAL REVIEW (Issue 37) Hoang, Lily, "Women & Desire II," ELEVEN ELEVEN (Issue Eight) Hobson, Brandon, "The Killing Fields of Cheong Ek," BLIP (Fall, 2010) Hollander, Jessica, "Buttons," ALICE BLUE (#12) Holtzman, Jeanne, "Blowing Hot and Cold," ELIMAE (2010: March) Horvath, Tim, "The Lobby," JMWW (Fall 2010) Howard, Gregory, "Dead Bodies," TRICKHOUSE (Volume 9) Hubbard, Katherine, "Ordinary," MELUSINE (Fall, 2010) Hunter, Lindsay, "Dishes," KNEE JERK (Issue #14) Hyland, Tina, "The Greatest Show on Earth," DECOMP MAGAZINE (December 2010) Innis, Julie, "Corrective," USED FURNITURE REVIEW (November 22, 2010) Iskandrian, Kristen, "It's Going To Be Okay, I Love You," HOBART (November '10) Ives, Michael, "The Scapegoat," WAG'S REVUE (Issue 5, Spring 2010) Kane, Jean, "X C E," AMERICAN SHORT FICTION (January) Kenter, Zin, "The Man with the Nose in his Living Room," FRIGG (Fall, 2010) Kitchen, Cyn, "Prosthesis," YOU MUST BE THIS TALL TO RIDE (July 2010) Kneeland, Andrea, "About Things that Are Lost and the Places They Get Lost," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Thirty) Kneeland, Andrea, "My Head is Buried," THE COLLAGIST (Issue Thirteen August 2010) Kontes, Alexandra, "The Blessings of a Mocking God," KILL AUTHOR (Issue Nine) Landsburgh, Matthew, "The Turtle," HOBART (January '10) Layden, Sarah, "Collision Physics for the Math-Averse," BOOTH (May 20, 1010) Levy, Thomas Patrick, "Lost," TITULAR (undated) Lisicky, Paul, "Palo Alto," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Twenty-Eight) Loory, Ben, "Sea Monster," ANNALEMMA (undated) Lopez, Robert, "One of My Daughters is Called Resnick," BROOKLYN RAIL (October 2010) Lorenz, Kate, "Chef," EVERYDAY GENIUS (12/3/10) McKibbens, Rachel, "Tomatoes and Daffodils" FRIGG (Spring, 2010) McLendon, David, "Orison," EVERYDAY GENIUS (12/24/10) Medina, Pablo, "Eating Pig," CERISE PRESS (Spring, 2010) Michalski, Jen, "The Turn of Things," EVERYDAY GENIUS (3/25/10) Milks, Megan, "The Girl with the Expectorating Orifices," EVERYDAY GENIUS (7/26/10) Miller, Mary, "Cedars of Lebanon," THE COLLAGIST (Issue Thirteen August 2010) Minichillo, John, "Working Halloween for Christmas Money," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Twenty-Nine) Minor, Kyle, "The Cruel Father, Learning That He Is About To Be Killed By His Son, Puts To Death All Children Born To Him," PANK MAGAZINE (July 2010) Mohan, David, "The Pool," CONTRARY (Autumn, 2010) Mulcahy, Greg, "Easter," SPORK (06/27/2010) Nam, Sam, "Stay," JMWW (Spring 2010) Nichols, Jim, "Bora Chiara," ELIMAE (October, 2010) Niedenthal, Alec, "Dawn Jean Crawford," FRIGG (Spring, 2010) Nissen, Thisbe, "Iris Murdoch's Taste for Kale," TRIQUARTERLY (Issue 138) Nissen, Thisbe, "Lull," TRIQUARTERLY (Issue 138) Nutting, Alissa, "Glass Hen," SIGNIFICANT OBJECTS (January 13, 2010) Olsen, Lance, "Robert Smithson," CORIUM MAGAZINE (Fall 2010) Orner, Peter, "Occidental Hotel," NARRATIVE MAGAZINE (undated) Paisley, Yarrow, "The Pain Painter," ABJECTIVE (11/6/2010) Park, Cami, "Everything the Same, but Not All at Once," NOÖ JOURNAL (#11) Park, Cami, "When You Heard," PRICK OF THE SPINDLE (Volume 4.3) Percesepe, Gary, "Giacometti," ELIMAE (2010: May) Peterson, Adam, "In Space, Smiling," AMERICAN SHORT FICTION (July, 2010) Pieroni, Jennifer, "Husband and Wife," THE COLLAGIST (Issue Ten May 2010) Pinches, Boomer, "Another Calamity Averted," MATCHBOOK (April 2010) Pokrass, Meg, "Hush," BANANAFISH (August 2010) Pollock, Donald Ray, "Life," PEN AMERICA (Issue 12) Raffel, Dawn, "Yosemite and the Range of Light," EVERYDAY GENIUS (8/10/10) Raymond, Timothy, "Coast," STACCATO (August 5th, 2010) Riesener, Tree, "Hungry," FLASH FICTION ONLINE (January, 2010) Rindell, Suzanne, "The Beautiful Italian," PANK MAGAZINE (December 2010) Robison, James, "Guard," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Twenty-Nine) Robison, James, "Prologue," ELIMAE (December, 2010) Roe, Andrew, "I Don't Want to be Stevie Nicks," DARK SKY MAGAZINE (Issue 3) Rohan, Ethel, "Endangered," NECESSARY FICTION (01/27/10) Rohan, Ethel, "There Are Those that Live in Utopian Kingdoms, and Then There Are the Rest of Us," NORTHVILLE REVIEW (January, 2010) Scanlan, Kathryn, "Frontier Life," THE COLLAGIST (Issue Eight March 2010) Scapellato, Joseph, "Avalanche," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Twenty-Eight) Scott, Laura Ellen, "The Brewsters," MOON MILK REVIEW (August 3, 2010) Scott, Laura Ellen, "Last Seen Leaving," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Twenty-Eight) Simpson, Chad, "Fourteen," MATCHBOOK (October, 2010) Simpson, Chad, "Phantoms," FREIGHT STORIES (#6) Smith, Curtis, "Movie," HOBART (September 2010) Spacks, Barry, "True Confessions of Former Teacher Ergot Zoll," SIX LITTLE THINGS (Spring, 2010) Spallholz, Julianna, "The News," NOÖ JOURNAL (weekly: Sept. 20) Sparks, Amber, "Feral Children: A Collective History," THE COLLAGIST (Issue Seven, February 2010) Sparks, Amber, "May We Shed These Human Bodies," BUFFALO ARTVOICE (undated) Sparling, Ken, "The Genesis of My Life as Others Know It," JMWW (Summer 2010) Spell, Carrie, "Out for a Coke," JUKED (04.07.10) Spohrer, Lauren, "She Did Have Some New Moves," FAILBETTER (Apr 20, 2010) Stiers, Samantha, "Mothermind," DIAGRAM (10.6) Swartwood, Robert, "The Cigarette Tree," STACCATO (April 19th, 2010) Thurber, Bob, "You Don't Belong Here," THE CAFÉ IRREAL (Issue Thirty-Four) Trocchia, Michael, "A Staging," NOÖ JOURNAL (#12) Tuck, Dean Marshall, "Between Budapest and Dying," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Thirty) Tyler, J.A., "These Three Things that Noah Doesn't," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Twenty-Nine) Valente, Anne, "He Who Finds It Lives Forever," NECESSARY FICTION (09/03/2010) Valeri, Laura, "Shot," NIGHT TRAIN (1/18/10) Vishwanathan, Ajay, "Snake Walk," SMOKELONG QUARTERLY (Issue Twenty-Nine) Weise, Jillian, "Distant Recipe for Tilapia," PAX AMERICANA (Issue 14) Wright, Snowden, "Vox Clamantis In Deserto," EMPRISE REVIEW (Volume 15) Wudel, Katie, "Tongueless," MONKEYBICYCLE (undated) Wyer, Kate, "White Knees," BIRKENSNAKE (Issue 3) xTx, "Stella's Song," DOGZPLOT (January, 2010) Young, Mike, "What's the Strongest Thing You've Ever Felt? What's the Strangest Thing You've Ever Felt?" KILL AUTHOR (Issue Nine) Yourgrau, Barry, "Prelude," NEW DEAD FAMILIES (Issue 2) Yu, Christina, "Holiday," FENCE (Volume 13, Number 1) Zaikowski, Carolyn, "Case History #3: Catie," NOÖ JOURNAL (#11) ----- w i g · l e a F 05-07-11 [home] |