Posh Dolls
Kim Chinquee

We got ready for the big game, where we'd play the freshmen first. We called ourselves The Posh Dolls, wearing pink, and we pierced our eyebrows.

We played scrimmages, where we kicked and tossed and tackled. Some of us were defense. I ran around, trying to get open. I could throw. I was new to the school, and I got to know that Amy was the quarterback and captain. Queen. All the popular girls were Posh Dolls.

One night the boys found us and went after us with cartons. They threw eggs. We ran into the woods. Amy called revenge, and she gave us her stash of eggs and toilet paper, and we threw eggs back at the boys and papered their trees, and later when I rode my bike home, from behind me something hit me. I was down, looking up and a man told me to stay there. I saw the sky. It was dark and the stars were out. People stood around me.

At the hospital, The Posh Dolls showed me pictures of their victory. They scribbled on my cast. They left me their autographs.

Kim Chinquee's collection of flash fiction, Oh Baby, is out now from Ravenna Press. Her collection of prose poetry, Big Cages, is forthcoming from White Pine Press.

To link to this story directly: http://wigleaf.com/200808poshdolls.htm

Photo detail on main page courtesy of Nichole.

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